Knowledge Puffs Up, Love Builds Up (1 Cor 8:1-13)
People often equate knowledge with power, safety, and happiness. They quote what Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power” This is true in most cases.
Bible also emphasizes importance of knowledge and wisdom. However, it is more crucial for us to use our knowledge properly.
1 Corinthians 8:1 is one of famous verses about knowledge. “Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up” This is sermon title today.
Nature of true knowledge is love and humility.
Read verse 2-3. “if someone think he knows something, he does not yet know to the degree that the needs to know. But if someone loves God, he is known by God”
One thing I need to clarify is this. Our talk about the knowledge is spiritual knowledge, not scientific knowledge. Both knowledges are related, but it is not today’s topic.
Then, how to use our knowledge? Frequent misuse of our knowledge happens when we debate. We do our best in order to prove we are right. However, what benefit do we get by winning the debate? It is seeking own glory, not God’s glory. Therefore, when a debate is about to start, if it is not for God’s glory or loving others, stop it. Habitual debate or dispute will destroy you.
In this way, our use of knowledge should be controlled by love and humility.
In the ancient city of Corinth, there were many idol temples and idol worships. Because of this, a good amount of meat sold in the market was from idol sacrifice. Can Christians eat meat from idol worship or not? This was one of issues in the Church of Corinth.
Paul said, there is one God the Father and one Lord Jesus Christ. An idol in the world is nothing. Meat from idol worship is just a food. You can eat it. This knowledge is true. However, Paul didn’t eat such meat. Why? It was because of those who hesitate to eat the meat from idol sacrifice. It was not to avoid being accused, but to help them not to stumble.
This is the case. A brother of strong faith with knowledge could eat the meat from idol sacrifice. If a brother of weak faith who doesn’t have the knowledge sees it, he might be tempted to eat the meat against his religious conviction. Eating the meat or not is not important here. What matters is whether you violate your conviction of faith or not. When weak person violates his conviction of faith, it is sinning because he doesn’t behave according to faith. This feeling of guilt pushes that person away from the Lord.
Therefore verse 12 says, “if you sin against your brothers or sisters in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ”
Now, what do you see here? Even though the knowledge you have is correct, you should be careful how to use it. If not, you could end up sinning. Knowledge is supposed to bring good, nevertheless, misuse of it might bring evil.
Here is an example. I personally think it is OK to have a cup of wine on a meal. However, it is better not to drink if you have a brother of weak faith on the table. He doesn’t have mature knowledge about the issue of drinking. According to his conviction, Christians should abstain from drinking. For him, drinking is sin because drinking is not allowed according to his faith.
What if I am alone? Can I drink? Then, I would be a hypocrite.
That’s why Paul says at verse 13, “For this reason, if food causes my brother or sister to sin, I will NEVER eat meat again, so that I may not cause one of them to sin”
This is how we use our knowledge according to the love. Remember this, Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up”